Sunday, January 2, 2011

Being Single and Waiting for Love (Avoiding the "Its Complicated")

"It takes a fool to learn that love don't love nobody" the popular 1991 hit song by The Spinners, told the truth about the down side of love. Sometimes love just don't love back, yet some women will degrade themselves, their self worth and dignity in the attempt to make love work, and when it doesn't happen as fairytale's do the saga begins........ Love turns into a dog, and the unloved goes into a GREAT DEPRESSION, seeking the comfort and gratification from close friends. Rivers of tears fall, and thoughts of why,  and questions such as am I too this or too that, or was it somebody better than me? When the truth is, there was nothing wrong with you or him. Love wanted a moment and you thought you had come across a life time causing you to change your Facebook status to ITS COMPLICATED. This is the story of the broken hearted, a loveless tale of what a lot of people find themselves experiencing at some given point in life. But is the reaction really worth it? I will agree, that loosing someone you truly care about doesn't feel too good, but I bet that if one would settle down and assess the situation, the signs of red flags would still be waving. 

Ladies if a guy only calls you after 10pm wanting to come over, that's a flag and if you never meet his friends or family and it's been a year already, red flag, if you don't know where he lives, red flag, run honey. In todays society, love is depreciated by 10 to 20 percent you see it in the movies we watch, the music we listen to, its on reality TV, Social Networking, and God forbid if somebody attempts to correct the scene, all become offensive, making up excuses. The truth ladies and gentlemen, love has nothing to do with looks, money, things, or social scenes. Many may have missed out on a really great person who could have brought happiness to our lives, but because attraction over ruled character, many of us missed out!!

Ladies he can promise you the world, but if you never get to know the character of that person, how can you build a relationship with a solid trusting and communicative foundation. Too many men and women fall short of the intended because they loose sight of what they really want, especially women. Women, we expect marriage after 6 months to a year of dating, when it doesn't happen, we start trying to make it happen. We sit and listen to others tell us that its time and there we go trying to make it happen. A man once told me that men want the opportunity to choose when they get married and not be told. 

Too many woman allow loneliness to rule them into making the wrong choices in accepting the hand of the wrong man and then we end up hurt and confused. But at the end of the day we only have ourselves to blame. Ladies many of us are as hot as fire and to quick to give up the goods before we get any type of commitment, then we find ourselves asking the question "How do you feel about me?" We rush into empty situations hoping for a relationship to come out of it. Let me tel you now, love will not happen the same for everyone, and we must accept this, embrace it and move from it. As Paul would say, it would be best if you would be like me, and not get caught up in the hype of it all. 

Take time to find out who you are and what you want and deserve in a mate, and then don't settle, and understand that the important thing is you won't die if it take a while for love to locate you. Don't be ruled by loneliness, it hard at first, especially if you're use to having somebody around, but you can make it. You may long, cry, and still wonder at times whats taking so long for love to find you, but keep your eye on the prize, remembering whom God joins together no man can break up.