Saturday, November 7, 2015

Where love leads us.....

There is nothing like being in love with the right one, the God ordained connection between a man and a women surpassing the understanding of this new age world thinks love is, the kind that's here today and gone tomorrow and everybody is okay, or at least those around you assumes you should be. But, when the gift of marriage is granted and the two are joined together as one.. I believe that the Heavens applaud and the Angels sing as God smiles and says well done.

 Sounds.... wonderful... right?

You who may be reading this may find yourself asking "what fairy tail is this?" A couple of days ago I was speaking with a close  friend of mine who made a disturbing yet interesting statement which was, "men and women hated each other".... WOW, really? He went on to say, how men and women no longer had the respect that truly mattered in a relationship for one another, and I thought, "that's crazy" or... was it??? Why, I knew of several happy couples who are married, and a few who are soon to be unmarried, I know of a couple who got married today... men and women do not hate one another, but we have the wrong perception of one another. But, I guess the real question as for as marriage goes,  is, how many of them who are married or soon to be married will stay that way... I guess?

Life is full of surprises, like a box of Valentine chocolates, you don't know which one you got until you bite into it. Relationships today are almost the same, you don't know who you dealing with until you "bite into them" so-to-speak... another Man & Woman conversation I had with another friend of mine, was just as interesting and intriguing as the last with my other guy friend; for he stated that society has made almost everything instant, including LOVE. He gave the scenario of how a man can meet a women at a club or event, exchange numbers and have sex within 24 hours of meeting if not that same night.... is this TRUE, like, for real? Who was I kidding, I knew it was. 

All of this is crazy, but I think I can figure it out.... A man once said to me that "a woman, ain't nothing but a headache, that he didn't have time for" He went on to say that women talk too much, and didn't know when to shut up, yet he hasn't lost his interest in them enough to not want one sexually. Let me go on record by saying this, not all women are the same just as not every man is the same, and not every relationship story will start or end the same, because we are all different, coming for different backgrounds, with different thoughts, different perceptions on life. It is because of these differences, I feel, that we pick and choose your mates wisely, by first, knowing what qualities you are seeking or hoping to find in that person, considering personality matches, and assessing the character of a person.

 I feel if you know you are not ready to settle down with one person, don't invite an innocent unsuspecting person into your madness and don't feel that because you told them up front, about what you don't want, as you fore warning them. If, you are not ready and prepared for the responsibility of a relationship, don't enter into one... of any kind... with anyone stay by yourself. You won't instantaneously combust, I promise you won't.

Love is beautiful and refreshing and full of life when it real, when it mutual, and when its returned. Love and relationships are not a curse, but it takes time, it even takes strategy even.... And that is know yourself, knowing your heart, and knowing what you are ready or not ready to participate in. Relationships can grow from the strangest human heart material, and end up being the best life changing experience ever.

I'm Lady D. and I'm out.....

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